
3 posts published in July 2019

Courage as a way to deliver Mutual Value

July 8, 2019

Courage as a driver of Mutual Value

Conviction that mutual value is a more powerful commercial model, empowers us and lends us courage to deal with situations differently When I talk about courage in this context it has a special meaning. I can perhaps illustrate it in the following bullets
· Not just accepting a short-term win with somebody, without checking that it has a long term benefit or that there is a better alternative
· Testing somebody’s thinking about a suggestion, even when that...

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Character within Mutual Value

July 8, 2019

Character within Mutual Value
Clients are increasingly sensitive to the attempts to manipulate them, and the focus of most of their suppliers on selling whatever service they have, whether or not it truly meets their need. They are placing their assessment of suppliers character high on their criteria. What exactly can we do to develop a character and to exhibit it?
The character elements consistent with mutual value are Intent – a demonstrable and consistent commitment to seeking success for...

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How much do you think they will pay>

July 8, 2019

Having grown up in a sales world where the emphasis on achieving targets created so much lose-win and win-lose thinking one of the most emotionally charged questions an Account Team ever discusses was: How much do you think they will pay? Often this is a discussion that happens way down the track towards submitting a proposal. Why? Simply, because nobody has worked out with the Client what the value is the project might create or what a reasonable return or value should be to the Vendor. So...

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